by Due Daniels
Is the Air You Breathe Killing You? Maybe Says WHO

According to reports online from heart disease and stroke are brought on not just by bad diets, but also by air pollution. Seven million people have died in 2012 from air pollution, according to WHO (World Health Organization).   We have to know that we’ve been breathing in polluted air simply because of trucks…

Essential Oils Health Stuff In the News Lung Infection
by Due Daniels
Obese Teenagers Feeling Salty Over Salt Intake

If your teenager is growing up faster than you thought compared to prior generations, you may not be losing your mind. A recent study showed that obese teenagers can accelerate their aging process by the heavy consumption of salted snacks.   Bet you cannot eat just one is one-by-one shortening the years of their life….

Health Stuff Imortalium In the News Obesity
by Due Daniels
More Doctors Leaning Away from Saturated Fats as the Bad Guy

Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease, obesity, or diabetes, or high blood pressure. The real blame is a high carbohydrate diet and refined sugars, according more doctors.   The jury is coming out as more traditional doctors are starting to follow naturopathic doctors in understanding that saturated fats do not cause cardiovascular disease.   As…

Brain and Heart Diabetes Health Stuff Heart Disease In the News Obesity Stroke
by Due Daniels
Do You Believe in Medical Conspiracy Theories?

Do you believe in medical health conspiracy theories? Apparently you are not alone. A recent survey revealed nearly 50% of American adults believe that our government, along with corporations, have a partnership involvement in at least one conspiracy to cover up health information.   That is kind of funny and worrisome at the same time,…

Funny Health News In the News
by Due Daniels
Fried Foods Obesity and Chronic Disease

We are all born with some kind of genetic makeup. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you come from, genetically, you came programmed with certain things.   These could be shortcomings, they could be beneficial-comings, such as great height, great muscular-physique, great athletic ability, great mental stamina, or just plain old wizardry in the…

Brain and Heart Diabetes Heart Disease In the News Obesity Stroke
by Due Daniels
The Surgeon General’s Warning Means Nothing

Health warnings are seldomly taken serious by the general public. It was fifty (50) years ago the Surgeon General applied his warning on cigarettes. The warning told that cigarettes cause lung cancer, heart disease, fetal damages in pregnant women, and other grave health issues.   Even with all this, we still have an abundance of…

Cancer Heart Disease In the News Lung Infection
by Due Daniels
Dark Chocolate Pills Not Milk Chocolate Bars

Valentines Day can take a terrible turn if chocolate pills are invited into the commercialization of professing ones love. Turns out that Valentines Day is the reason women outlive men. They get a surplus amount of chocolate in one month.   Can a chocolate pill help prevent a heart attack? That is the question a…

Brain and Heart Chocolate Funny Health News Health Stuff Heart Disease In the News Stroke