by Due Daniels
Is the Air You Breathe Killing You? Maybe Says WHO

According to reports online from heart disease and stroke are brought on not just by bad diets, but also by air pollution. Seven million people have died in 2012 from air pollution, according to WHO (World Health Organization).   We have to know that we’ve been breathing in polluted air simply because of trucks…

Essential Oils Health Stuff In the News Lung Infection
by Due Daniels
The Surgeon General’s Warning Means Nothing

Health warnings are seldomly taken serious by the general public. It was fifty (50) years ago the Surgeon General applied his warning on cigarettes. The warning told that cigarettes cause lung cancer, heart disease, fetal damages in pregnant women, and other grave health issues.   Even with all this, we still have an abundance of…

Cancer Heart Disease In the News Lung Infection
by Due Daniels
Lung Infections Going Around

Lately a lot of people have been coming up with lung infections and usually when something like this sweeps around a city, lot of people of course will come across it. The first thing to know if that you can totally avoid this. It begins with getting a good understanding about your health. If you…

Disease Lung Infection Minerals