by Due Daniels
Exercise Band Fitbit Recalls Activity Tracker Because of Rash

If you are curious of how many steps you take in a given day, or how many calories you burn in an afternoon walk, or simply what is your overall activity levels; you may have been drawn to an exercise band. These have become popular over the last few years (thank you First Lady Michelle…

Exercise Health Stuff In the News
by Due Daniels
3 Suggestions On How To Have A Healthy Brain And Heart

Finally Get A Healthy Brain and Heart There are three main tips to keep in mind when a person wants to know how to have a healthy brain and heart. These tips are not hard to follow and they might be one or two that you might not have considered. If one takes the time…

Brain and Heart Product Packs Youngevity Products
by Due Daniels
3 Easy Exercises Women Can Do At Home

We pulled out the victory on the road in San Francisco but unfortunately we came back home only to lose the next day to our Northern rivals, Puerto Plata.  We could blame the loss on our bodies being tired but the reality is that we had enough firepower to get the job done.  Back to back…

Sport Drinks Youngevity Products