Death Predictor Nothing But a Probability and Wizardry!

Posted under Funny Health News, In the News, Youngevity Products On By Due Daniels

Death Predictor Nothing But a Probability and Wizardry!This is funny news, but a group of researchers announced that they have developed a “death test,” that will predict the likeness of someone (healthy) having an inevitable early death within five years.


They measure blood levels of four markers, but in reality, it is not a test you can accurately measure. It is more a numbers and math game as well as probability.


I believe it is foolish to even take a test like that. It exercises a lack of faith, but I bet people who are attracted to a test like that are people who do not take care of their health, play the lotto every hour, are superstitious, and do not have long term vision.


This is just a wacky piece of news and if you go to such death predictor, you may as well go see a psychic, wizard, sorcerer, or charmer and deal with predicting your life through the eyes of a false diviner.

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Dr. Wallach says to have an extensive life, you simply have to stay away from landmines and get all the nutrients your body is requiring. Landmines means, staying away from ‘stupid’ and idiotic behavior, like smoking cigarettes, doing drugs (legal or illegal), joining gangs, and wearing all black running on the highway.


If you stay away from high-risk and dangerous activities, you give yourself every honest expectation to live a long healthy life on the earth. Doing this makes the death predictor nothing to you!


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Due Daniels

Contributing Writer

630.423.6383 (call to order Youngevity Products or go online)

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