by Due Daniels
Do a Little Dance Make a Little Love, Get Down Anorexia

The lyrics really say, “get down tonight…get down tonight,” but according to a new study released out of South Korea, it showed evidence that showing a little love may help people who suffer anorexia.   More specifically, the ‘love hormone’ known as oxytocin, which is produced when one is having an intimate kiss, when a…

Anorexia Eating Disorders Health Stuff In the News Mental Health
by Due Daniels
Glucosamine Won’t Help Knee Cartilage Deterioration

Take that to the bank Dr. Wallach, and all you health food and supplement junkies who think supplements cure all things! A new report by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has found otherwise.   The ACR reported that over 27M Americans suffer with osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis). Arthritis is the most…

Arthritis Dental and Bone Health Stuff In the News Knees and Joints Osteoporosis
by Due Daniels
Comparative Review of the Beyond Tangy Tangerines

If you’re a consumer of the Youngevity product Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT), you know all about the BTT’s new younger but bigger brother. The Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is the bigger but newer product and some people are loyal and haven’t let go of the original BTT.   BTT 2.0 does put up a mean…

Beyond Tangy Tangerine Health Stuff Youngevity Products
by Due Daniels
Boost Breast Cancer Survival with Vitamin D

I remember having a conversation with good ole Dr. Peter Glidden (author of The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everybody is Sick, and I Know Why), at one of his lectures, and Dr. Glidden said to me, regarding a cancer treatment center in America; that they have better success rates with cancer treatment (than other chemo…

Cancer Health Stuff In the News Women Youngevity Products
by Due Daniels
Antibiotic Use is Putting Patients at Risk in Hospitals

“Mom, they’re doing it again!”   That’s what the kid reporting to his mother what the neighbors are doing, and in a weird correlation, this is what the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) is saying hospitals are doing to their patients. They are giving way too much antibiotics and prescriptions and by doing…

Disease Health Stuff In the News
by Due Daniels
Meat and Cheese, So Good Yet So Bad, Like Smoking

This was the tail-end of the article written about the elderly should be consuming more meat than the middle aged. A study is revealing that eating a boat load of meat and cheese could be as bad for you as smoking a box of cigarettes.   Not meat, not cheese, not my good ole American…

Cancer Health Stuff Heart Disease In the News
by Due Daniels
Elderly Probably Should Eat More Protein Than Middle-Age

A study is suggesting that high protein diets should be consumed by the elderly more so than by middle aged folks. Animal protein at high levels is strategically not a great idea to consume, especially if you’re what scientist call middle aged.   The study published in the journal Cell Metabolism reported over an 18…

Brain and Heart Cancer Health Stuff Heart Disease In the News