by Due Daniels
The Healthy Body Blood Sugar Pak by Youngevity through Youngevity International, Inc., present to you the Healthy Body Blood Sugar Pak. These block of products are specifically tailored to address any blood sugar issues or complications closely related to diabetes type one and two. It is not meant to cure, but instead to support and promote healthy blood sugar. In some cases,…

Diabetes Disease Food and Nutrition Obesity Product Packs Youngevity Products
by Due Daniels
Do a Little Dance Make a Little Love, Get Down Anorexia

The lyrics really say, “get down tonight…get down tonight,” but according to a new study released out of South Korea, it showed evidence that showing a little love may help people who suffer anorexia.   More specifically, the ‘love hormone’ known as oxytocin, which is produced when one is having an intimate kiss, when a…

Anorexia Eating Disorders Health Stuff In the News Mental Health
by Due Daniels
New Drug Boss in Town, Not in the Streets but the Store

As they say, “there’s a new sheriff in town,” except this sheriff  is a new villain. Street drugs plagued the US poor urban areas since the 80s where drug dealers destroyed families by infiltrating neighborhoods with illegal drugs.   Today, we have a new drug boss, a new kingpin if you will, and he has…

In the News
by Due Daniels
Glucosamine Won’t Help Knee Cartilage Deterioration

Take that to the bank Dr. Wallach, and all you health food and supplement junkies who think supplements cure all things! A new report by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has found otherwise.   The ACR reported that over 27M Americans suffer with osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis). Arthritis is the most…

Arthritis Dental and Bone Health Stuff In the News Knees and Joints Osteoporosis
by Due Daniels
Predict Alzheimer’s Disease with Blood Test?

This is one of those scary test to take, like when someone sleeps around protection-less and then goes in for a HIV test. But a recent study taken from 500 or more healthy seniors found a predictive possibility of up to 90% accuracy of someone developing memory loss.   Many holistic doctors could do the…

Alzheimer Disease In the News