by Due Daniels
Is the Air You Breathe Killing You? Maybe Says WHO

According to reports online from heart disease and stroke are brought on not just by bad diets, but also by air pollution. Seven million people have died in 2012 from air pollution, according to WHO (World Health Organization).   We have to know that we’ve been breathing in polluted air simply because of trucks…

Essential Oils Health Stuff In the News Lung Infection
by Due Daniels
Predict Alzheimer’s Disease with Blood Test?

This is one of those scary test to take, like when someone sleeps around protection-less and then goes in for a HIV test. But a recent study taken from 500 or more healthy seniors found a predictive possibility of up to 90% accuracy of someone developing memory loss.   Many holistic doctors could do the…

Alzheimer Disease In the News
by Due Daniels
3 Suggestions On How To Have A Healthy Brain And Heart

Finally Get A Healthy Brain and Heart There are three main tips to keep in mind when a person wants to know how to have a healthy brain and heart. These tips are not hard to follow and they might be one or two that you might not have considered. If one takes the time…

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