by Due Daniels
Exercise Band Fitbit Recalls Activity Tracker Because of Rash

If you are curious of how many steps you take in a given day, or how many calories you burn in an afternoon walk, or simply what is your overall activity levels; you may have been drawn to an exercise band. These have become popular over the last few years (thank you First Lady Michelle…

Exercise Health Stuff In the News
by Due Daniels
How to Get Healthy Using Youngevity Products

How to Get Healthy Using Youngevity Products If you want to get healthy using Youngevity’s products, to begin with make up your mind to be healthy. You have to make a decision to get healthy and that nothing can stand in your way. In order to do this you must give it all you can…

Youngevity Products
by Due Daniels
Youngevity Product Packs

Youngevity products have gotten just that much better with the launching of the Youngevity Product packs.  The Youngevity Product Packs were started for what I like to believe because of my creative packaging I did on my own.  For instance, if someone had arthritis, I would devise my own package for them and called it…

Product Packs Youngevity Products