by Due Daniels
Have Memory Loss Not Related to Alzheimer’s Disease?

If you are slightly feeling like you are not able to remember short-term or even long-term things and it’s not related to Alzheimer’s disease there are some things you can do (even if it is alzheimer’s disease there are some things you can do as well).   Usually memory loss is because you are running…

Alzheimer Disease Health Stuff
by Due Daniels
Fried Foods Obesity and Chronic Disease

We are all born with some kind of genetic makeup. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you come from, genetically, you came programmed with certain things.   These could be shortcomings, they could be beneficial-comings, such as great height, great muscular-physique, great athletic ability, great mental stamina, or just plain old wizardry in the…

Brain and Heart Diabetes Heart Disease In the News Obesity Stroke
by Due Daniels
Predict Alzheimer’s Disease with Blood Test?

This is one of those scary test to take, like when someone sleeps around protection-less and then goes in for a HIV test. But a recent study taken from 500 or more healthy seniors found a predictive possibility of up to 90% accuracy of someone developing memory loss.   Many holistic doctors could do the…

Alzheimer Disease In the News
by Due Daniels
Nuts to the Rescue for Heart Disease and Cancer

– Let’s get some perspective here. Before you finish reading this article right now, two people in the US will have a heart attack, one will result in death. I hope you sat up in your chair… I know did!   Immature people, let’s keep this article clean… ladies you need nuts, as much as…

Brain and Heart Cancer Food and Nutrition Health Stuff Heart Disease
by Due Daniels
Omega-3 Can Help Alzheimer’s Disease New Study Suggest

I also suggest you take a look at this new study that reveals supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids could assist in preventing and even reverse the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It does this by stimulating a newly identified “resolution pathways” a research study shares. The new study was published by the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia….

Brain and Heart Health Stuff Youngevity Products