America’s Top Health Concerns

Posted under Cancer, Food and Nutrition, Health Stuff, Heart Disease, Obesity On By Due Daniels

America’s Top Health Concerns

All people have some concerns, they range from different topics. Some guys have concerns about performing in the bedchamber, some guys have concerns of the guy at work who also can make their wife or girlfriend laugh.


Women often have concerns about staying attractive; we all have concerns. I searched online looking for the top health concerns Americans have. What came back was not surprising, America’s top health concerns were common and random at the same time.


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Topping the list was cancer. Nearly, 75% of Americans showed deep concerns about developing cancer. It’s not just food and lotions I concern about as it regards to cancer, but simple environmental issues as well.


Second on the list at 60% concern was heart disease. Heart disease, definitely a legitimate concern, but it is heavily diet based. Changing one’s diet, and exercising lightly can bring our concerns of heart disease to a very minimum.


America’s next top concern (not America’s next top model) was chemical terrorism. I know you thought would be diabetes. 50 percent of Americans are concerned that one of the world leaders out there will turn to a chemical warfare.


I wouldn’t be surprised.


Next was obesity, 47% of people have concerns about obesity. Again, this concern is more in one’s control. Some neurological factors may be involved, but if one puts their mind to it, they can and will overcome obesity.


At 45% concern was biological terrorism, and at 42% was food contamination. The lower level concerns were vaccine shortages, asthma, and a nationwide flu epidemic.


I personally don’t worry about many of these things. Much worry and concern comes from a lack of education. Once one educates themselves properly, worries or concerns seem to leave that person and cling onto the next.


You can begin the education with us!


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Due Daniels @duedaniels

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